Report Review

A review of a sustainability or integrated report entails the assessment of the report to be able to form a professional opinion of the contents, layout and readability of the report.

Organisations may want to get an independent assessment of their sustainability or integrated report. This may be done as a once-off task, in preparation for formal external assurance or after publication of the report.

Depending on the requirements of the client, ESS offers the following review services:

  • A general review of a draft sustainability or integrated report
  • Expert review of published sustainability of integrated report
  • Assessment of compliance of a draft report with a specified reporting or other standard, e.g. the GRI G4 Guidelines for Sustainability Reporting, the ICMM principles or reporting to the UN Global Compact

Note that review of a report does not constitute independent external assurance and may not be presented as such.

After conducting the review, ESS provides the reporting organisation with recommendations on how to improve the report either before it is being published or improving the report during the next reporting period.

Training and Consulting Professionals