Maryna, an environmental scientist, holds an MBA from the Potchefstroom University. She recently obtained her D Tech degree on the topic An EMA model for the SA Mining industry. As Head of Department of Environmental Science at the Tshwane University of Technology for 10 years she was responsible for implementing the first short course on EMA presented in South Africa. She has been involved in developing and presenting courses on EMA. Maryna was a member of the UN Expert Working Group on EMA that helped develop the IFAC International Guidance Document on EMA. She represents South Africa as expert on the ISO working group on material flow cost accounting. She was also employed in the Environmental Advisory office of the Chamber of Mines where she developed a thorough understanding of environmental issues in the mining sector. Maryna is a founding member, director and chair of the Environmental Management Accounting Network Africa (incorporated in terms of Section 21), and represents EMAN-Africa at the EMAN-Global network. She serves on the Steering Committee for the Environmental Goods & Services Forum under the auspices of the Dept of Trade & Industry